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WMS Cell Phone Policy

Phones Away Every Day

Woodward has a PHONES AWAY EVERY DAY policy as a way to keep social media and outside interruptions to a minimum for our students.  As you know, devices are a major distraction and disruption for our students, especially at this age.  It is difficult for students to focus on learning if they believe they are missing out on perceived important chats, texts or notifications, including texts from guardians and other family members. Please do not text or call your student and if they text you, please let us know.  Even having a device on and nearby takes up valuable attention that could be used for learning.  We believe strongly that students deserve to have the opportunity to focus on learning and have direct, in-person interactions with their peers for the time they are in school.  We, as adults, have a responsibility to provide a learning environment that offers the best possibility for success, both academically and emotionally.  


PHONES AWAY EVERY DAY  requires students who bring devices to school to keep them powered off and in their backpacks the entire day, beginning when they enter the school in the morning, during passing times and lunch until they leave the school building at the end of the day. This includes phones, wifi or cell activated ipads, watches, and ear pods. Parents are welcome to call or email the school office with any important messages or emergencies and we will be sure your student is given the message as soon as possible. Please do not text or call your student and if they text you, please let us know.  


Please let your students know about the PHONES AWAY EVERY DAY policy.  If a student is using a device at school we will keep that device in the office until the end of the school day.  Repeated use of devices during the school day may result in progressive discipline including time owed at lunch, checking in of devices every day, and contacting family.